Ganzman, Irina, DMD
Centru di Cura Dentale
Uffiziu Uffiziu:
Membru dapoi:
Certificatu SMART:
Livellu di Accreditazione:

Accreditazione, BDHA, SMART Banner
Laurea (s):
2400 Ravine Way
Suite 400
Stati Uniti
Email di l'Uffiziu:
Numero di cunferenze IAOMT assistite:
Services Von:
Biocompatibility Testing, Digital X-rays, Family Dentistry, Full/Partial Dentures, Nutritional/Detox Counseling, Orthodontics, Oxygen/Ozone, Pediatric Dentistry, Sleep Dentistry, Thermography Imaging
Descrizione di a pratica:

The Center for Dental Healing is accepting new patients. To take advantage of several new services, including saliva testing to help patients determine if specific bacteria are causing gum disease or tooth decay and if there are any genetic factors affecting their oral health. They are also using a 5D iTero intra-oral scanner to screen for cavities and take comfortable impressions.In addition, Aver and Ganzman provides mercury-free filings and crowns, safe amalgam protocols for removing old amalgam fillings, ozone treatments, microscope [microscopic?]plaque analysis, digital X-rays with minimal radiation exposure, nutritional analysis, dental material reactivity testing, homeopathy, and more.Dr. Irina Ganzman is Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique certified and a member of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, American Dental Association, Chicago Dental Society, and Illinois Dental Society. Her focus is on disease prevention and a whole-body approach to dental health.Location: 2400 Ravine Way, Ste. 400, Glenview. For appointments and more information, call 847-998-5100 or visit

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